Adamant Community Club

Our next event, on Saturday, April 26 (7:00pm), will be an evening with Minnesota-based Bob Bovee.

Authentic cowboy songs, ballads, blues & ragtime, square dance tunes, sentimental songs, novelty numbers, yodels, and tin pan alley favorites: Bob Bovee can do them all, with great warmth and humor.  Since 1971 Bob has traveled the country taking old time music to audiences of all ages at festivals, fairs, concerts, dances, schools, libraries, music camps, radio and TV programs. This is rural music as played in homes, at dances and for earlier entertainments such as minstrel shows and country radio. Along with a large repertoire, he spices his shows with stories, history and folklore. Bob sings (yodels, too) and plays guitar, harmonica, banjo and autoharp." 

Adamant Community Club on Facebook

The Adamant Community Club is located in the old town schoolhouse on Martin Road. It was an active school until 1962, when the town of Calais deeded it to a newly-formed local non-profit organization. In 2010, the Adamant Community Arts Center became the Club's offical 501(3) tax-exempt administrator.

Over the years many talented people have stepped in and added their particular expertise to keep it lively and in good condition.

It still has the slate blackboard, the portrait of George Washington, the huge windows for much needed light when electricity didn't exist in rural areas. Thanks to grants from the Division of Historic Preservation, the Vermont Arts Council Cultural Facilities program, and the Preservation Trust of Vermont, and donations from community members, the ACC is newly winterized, reroofed, and repainted.

It’s a wonderful performance venue — musicians who play here love the acoustics (and the fact that they are paid in money, not just sandwiches). Neighbors rent it for private parties or play readings, or retreats.

The Community Club has hosted community dinners, Co-op annual meetings, kids’ play groups, square dances, and has just generally been there as a space whenever someone needs a bigger living room.

Adamant Community Club on Facebook