General Store, Post Office and Community Hub in the heart of Adamant since 1935

Adamant is a hamlet in north Central Vermont. Five roads lead into Adamant and four roads lead out.
Many people who find themselves here are lost and come into the Co-op for directions. Inside they find a little grocery store packed with goodies, a Post Office, an annex of the larger library in Montpelier, and some very friendly people, some of whom might actually be working here. We pride ourselves on being a bit quirky and very friendly. All are welcome!
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-3pm ~~ Sunday: 10am-1pm

Our little store has got you covered — from pantry staples to local products to decadent baked goods. To see what we carry, check out our Inventory page.
History of the Adamant Co-op
In August of 1935, 11 families each contributed $5 to provide working capital, and the Adamant Cooperative was incorporated. The Co-op rented and then purchased the house of Minnie Horr in 1940 as a community center and home for the store. We’ve made many improvements to the building, starting with a ramp for handicapped access in the 90s. Around 2000, artist Janet MacLeod moved her studio into two of the rooms above the Co-op.
Adamant Community Club
The Adamant Community Club is located in the old town schoolhouse on Martin Road. It is officially owned by the town and maintained by a local Board. Over the years many talented people have stepped in and added their particular expertise to keep it lively and in good condition. It still has the slate blackboard, the portrait of George Washington, the huge windows for much needed light when electricity didn't exist in rural areas.

“I am adamant that we change the name of this town!”
-Unknown Preacher
Board of Directors :
Colin Blackwell colincows@gmail.com
Ken Trask kitrask@netscape.net
Jill Koger jillkoger@gmail.com
Sarai hinkley saraihinkley@hotmail.com
Jenna Ryan jennapotash@hotmail.com
Bruce Chapell Templetonfarmvt@gmail.com
Janet MacLeod janetmac@ezcloud.com